I do believe, the redish glow from this sunset capture the other evening was partly contributed by the annual California wild fires. Seriously, this has become a yearly over hyped media event from the West Coast. Why do these wild fires get more TV coverage than the levy that broke in Iowa and flooded the entire town? Where is the media coverage? Where are the celebrities asking for help to relocate the folks of Iowa? Even George Bush isn't getting blamed for the recent flooding.
Interesting Read Of The Day:
California Wildfires “business as usual” for nature
In case it's not too obvious, more people live in the west coast than in Iowa, and not just Movie Stars. What happens in the west coast effects the entire country since its the west coast that generates more income than all of U.S. combined. We pay higher taxes, pay more in expenses, and need more fuel than Iowa..So do some math, and if you don't like the west coast turn off your TV, I don't think anything is broadcast out of Iowa, not even commercials.
Next time I'm in Iowa, I'll let them know. I know about paying taxes, I'm in Minnesota [not Iowa] we are not as heavily taxed as California [yet] but we are in the top 6 for tax rates. I also can do math, the population in California is quite a bit higher than all of the other states, so it should be obvious to you that you state collects more in taxes.
I hate to break it to you, I rarely watch television. I don't have a beef with the west coast either. My beef is with the media and what the choose to call "news".
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