From the location of yesterdays theme day, here is the same spot, but just as the sun set and a storm was rolling in. I was hoping to get a few photos of lightning, but the storm passed too far to the north for what I was looking for. None the less, this photo was my first attempt at night time photography.
Pitty with the lighting but this photo is really good !
The colours are just perfect...
Congratulations on a fine job with your night photo. I enlarged it and enjoyed it immensely: the moon, the clouds, and the lights all work well together!
Oh if only the lightning was were I wanted it to be....next time. I'm glad you enjoyed this photo and I have one more to post from the same night with a longer exposure time, very bright lights it has, but I'll post that one later on down the road.
Beautiful! If that's your first attempt, I look forward to more!
That's too funny as I have this same photo for my desktop background.
For a first effort at night time photography it's very creditable! Remember to use a tripod for maximum sharpness, and if your camera allows, set it manually for the smallest possible aperture with a longish exposure. My post processing hints (if you use Photoshop)are to duplicate the base layer, then set the blend mode to multiply, and adjust the opacity to suit, this method will help create a nice deep blue/black sky.
I'm new to Daily Photo and I'm enjoying exploring the different sites/cities. If you have the time please visit my site and leave a comment and update your links.
Curly's Photoshop
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