May 14, 2007

Daily Photo Breakfast Club

Of all of my years I've spent communicating on the internet, Saturday, May 12 2007 was a first for me. It was the first time I've ever met someone in real life, where I developed a friendship over the internet. Thank goodness it was with people who all share the same hobby as I, photography. Kate of Visual St Paul was the initiator in the gathering. We were joined by fellow photographer, Carol of St Paul Daily Photo and Chris, Deb, Sophie and Kitty of Minneapolis Daily Photo. From right to left, Chris is holding three year old daughter Sophie, who is holding kitty. Carol in blue, Kate with the hat, and myself in black. The photographer for the photos was Deb.

We discussed many of the other daily photo blogs that we all enjoyed, there were quite a few of you who were mentioned during our conversations. When we first starting setting up for this shot, I half expected Chris to poor water on the ground to get the reflective lighting that he is famous for. Was just an obscure thought that crossed my mind and had to share that with you all.

If down the road, and I imagine there will be another gathering of the daily photo people from the Twin Cities area, I do have to remember to check the calendar to make sure it's not during my peak allergy season and agree to meet at a place that will not set my allergies over the edge. I have a month of allergies per calendar year, when the lilacs are in full bloom is the time I stock up on allergy medicine. I am looking forward to the next gathering.

Chris, Deb, Sophie, Kitty

My Top 3 Daily Photo Favorites
Minneapolis, Minnesota
St Paul, Minnesota
St Paul, Minnesota


Kala said...

sooo kewl how u all arranged for a DP get together - its really neat to see three sides of Minnesota! Great looking bunch and may you all have many more reunions!

lv2scpbk said...

Thats so great. We all should have a big reunion of city daily bloggers. It made me laugh about pouring water and the reflection to take the photo. We're always thinking what would make a better shot.

Anonymous said...

Wow. So special. I think your photo is really nice and your comments about it are so interesting. To see people like this is just amazing.

Thank you for your visit to my blog.

Kate said...

I heartily agree with your choice of favorite three today. And, I enjoy the way we all individualized our similar photos! Yes, we'll have to meet again---after the pollen stops tormenting your nose!!

Jing said...

oh. its a great event i am for sure.
all great photographers!!

shanghai daily photo

Carol E. said...

Cute... Chris probably was wondering how he could get water and light reflections in those shots! haha!

isa said...

Great idea! Nice to see all that "behind the camera" talent!

Soooo, you were talking about wonder my ears were itching yesterday ;-)

Deb said...

I wondered why my ears were burning this morning! Laughed about your water and reflection comment!
It was a pleasure meeting you!!

Janet said...

Such a neat idea. Great to see what you all look like!

Steve Cuddihy said...

With more and more daily photo cities coming on line, I will be this type of activity becomes more of the norm. Granted, having four of us so close made it a breeze for this to happen.

I would also bet, the next time we meet, there will be more of us.

I certainly enjoyed meeting everyone and learning a bit more about you all.

Meg said...

Gosh, Slinger, you are so dedicated to sit amongst such a profusion of flowers. I feel for you; Minnesota allergy season is pretty bad; I used to have 2 months in spring, nearly 3 in the fall. (And I wasn't in another country for 2 months!)

I hope you guys all get together again so we can see some more pics.

Ummm, and next time, bring your rain coat just in case.

Unknown said...

It must be nice to meet up!

So far, I have only met up with the other Singapore DP (zannnie) once, together with KLDP's Edwin.

Last weekend, Jakarta DP's Santy visited Singapore and we had a short meet up.

Would there be a World DP Meetup? haha... We all fly to Paris?