The Bald Eagle wing span is much larger than my arms spread apart. Seeing it up close gave me an appreciation of just how big it's wings can be. The photo captured the several layers of feathers and one could literally count how many are one of it's wings.
Fabulous! Both the eagle and your photo!
they are huge, aren't they? we saw one sitting by the side of the road once when we were driving up the north shore, and it looked almost as big as a person.
why is this one tethered? i love to see it up close but i hate to see it tied down.
The birds at the Raptor Release Center have been injured and are there for healing so they can be released back into the wild.
this is disguisting to me. How cruel it is to tie up an animal this magestic and free. i dont understand how humans have the heart to treat an innocient and beautiful creature this way.
Amelia....the reason the bird is tied up, it is/was currently healing. This great bird had been injured and taken to the Raptor Recovery Center. The Raptor Center does good things for nature and it's creatures.
Please visit their website for additional information, perhaps you can volunteer?
from their website....
"Established in 1974, The Raptor Center at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine specializes in the medical care, rehabilitation, conservation, and study of eagles, hawks, owls, and falcons. In addition to treating more than 800 birds a year, we provide training in raptor medicine and surgery for veterinarians from around the world, reach more than 250,000 people each year through public education programs and events, and identify emerging issues related to raptor health and populations. The essence of our mission is to strengthen the bond between humans and birds, to improve the quality of life for both, and to contribute to the preservation of the natural world. The majority of our funding comes from private donations."
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