If you cross this inviting bridge, you would be on Raspberry Island. In the background is downtown St Paul and the island sits on the Mississippi River. The bridge you see on the right that cross Raspberry Island and the river is called the Freedom Bridge, though I've always known it as the Wabasha Avenue Bridge. It was renamed when they rebuilt the bridge. Raspberry Island has not always been call what it is today. I've always known it as Navy Island. I grew up in this area and I'm always taken back at how much changes when you've been away from the area for so long.
My 3 Daily Photo Favorites:
Singapore, China
Ioannina, Greece
Tuzla, Bosnia
Beautiful photo of the city.
I posted a photo of deer today, at least my version. The only one's I could get. And, some snow on my personal blog.
Beautiful shot.
I love bridges. . . .am working on getting enough so that I can do a theme on them after Dec. 1.
I've emailed you about the WBHOF. . .
Cool shot, very sharp.
I just went home and I've only been away since April and already so much has changed! YIKES!
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