In all seriousness, I'm not sure why the color change in leaves, which incidentally happens every year around the same time every year, brings out an over hyped media frenzy that gives us a fancy chart during the weather report of where the peak fall colors are taking place. Don't get me wrong, it is enjoyable to look at as this color change takes place over a few weeks of the year, but the way it gets reported is just a bit too much.
Perhaps I'm not explaining it they way I want to exactly, perhaps some of you understand what I'm trying to say. I believe too many non-news stories get too much airplay and it becomes a giant yearly festival.
Okay, what I'm really trying to say is, fall is not my favorite time of the year because I know what is coming shortly afterwards....SNOW! Have no fear, I'll post this same bank of leaves about once a week so you all can see the changes and compare.
That's like the cherry blossom forecast in Japan; my parents follow it closely and try to catch the peak blossoms at at least three places all over the country, so maybe the leafy news are good for retired folks looking for some excitement? The cherry blorrom forecast is followed by the pollen forecast, which is a downer. Over here we have the UV forecast in the summer - how many minutes before you get burned in the sun - but this doesn't make sense to me much except for being a kind of a indicator of how bad the UV is... Anyway, enjoy the colours. Try leaving Minnesota, the colours are all you think about in September!
Hey, Slinger, Carol (www.stpauldailyphoto.blogspot.com) says there were spaghetti-and-meatballs-on-sticks at the State Fair - did you happen to catch that one by any chance? How on earth did they ... solidify it? Have you ever eaten one? It sounds like the type of food one would eat only at the State Fair.
I do know what you mean Meg about leaving Minnesota and you'll miss what I have here. Wifey and I went to Jamaica a couple times and talking with the locals, they had never seen snow. They don't know what it's like to see the seasons change and that was quite an odd thought to me as I take it for granted living where I do.
The spaghetti on a stick, I know it was there, but I wasn't able to find the location it was being sold at this year. It doesn't sound like something I would be interested in trying, but I certainly was curious how they make them. I'll put it on my list for next year.
Yeah, thanks, Slinger. I know it doesn't sound too terribly appetising, but you know, State Fair, something is in the air that makes us all curious.
When I was at HU, there were heaps of kids from Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and a few from Brazil in the English Language courses, and at the first snow (you know, the hit-ground-melt-immediately stuff) they all went wild dancing in barefeet and T-shirts, one boy sloshing in the puddle like a piglet - all of 10 minutes, but every year. I do NOT miss Minnesota Februaries; that's another story altogether.
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