Scary looking eh? That is about what it looked like at the time I said to myself, 'what the heck am I doing this for?'. I was a bit nervous as I had the front cover, the back cover, the top cover, and a few smaller openings, all removed from my Canon A620. I was in process of a DIY, Do-It-Yourself home camera repair job. You see, back in March or so, I damaged my LCD screen [
click here for a closeup photo of the damaged LCD screen]. I was unable to take any photos using my LCD screen. Not that big of a deal as I was forced to use the view finder. The problem was, if I needed to make any camera settings changes, I didn't have that option as the LCD screen was dead and buried. $58 dollars, $6 dollars for shipping, an hours worth of time invested in the repair job and I have a working camera once again.
Wouldn't you know it, I get the camera all put back together again and there is one leftover screw that doesn't have a home!
You are a talented photographer, Steve! Can't wait for your next photos. Your comments make me wonder if you have a screw loose, tho ;=)!!
Oh my. I hope it doesn't have to be where it was for the camera to continue working.
sometimes I wonder that myself Kate :D
Abe, I actually purchased a new camera while this one was damaged. If the repair didn't work out, I wouldn't be without a camera.
The short story is, I now have a perfectly working backup camera.
You are one very brave man Slinger!
South Shields Daily Photo
Oy, this is some undertaking. Ah, I'm assuming the warranty is through? ;) Spare parts, cool, perfect for filling a junk drawer in the kitchen.
You are braver than I am!
HELL, CRIKEY, you are one game, (and clever) bloke, mate.
NO job ever works out without a screw or 2 left over.
( Did you hear about the escaped lunatic who broke into the wash room at the convent? ........
Nut screws washers and bolts)
Thank you, thank you, I don't mind bragging a little bit on this one.
I thought you dropped your camera gain. This time only to find it was destroyed? Well, good to know that it wasn't the story and have it repaired.
Steve...I am absolutely impressed!
Too bad you did so much work to replace the LCD... All you had to do was remove the screws for the LCD housing, remove the front and back and then swap out the LCD screen... Takes about 5 minutes. =)
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