I received a call from my father back in January of this year saying his cousin Rae Kupferschmidt had a massive brain hemorrhage, that she had been taken off life support, and she was brought home to die. He then said he would pass along the funeral information when he knew it. About two weeks later, I get a call from my dad once again about Rae's condition. With a strange sound in his voice, he says that she's alive and has started to make a recovery. The doctors were astounded by her recovery since they declared her "brain dead". The also said "He's never seen anything like it and that there must be some special something coming from somewhere to have turned this around so dramatically."
Yesterday, Al brought Rae home once again, alive and well this time. Rae has been interviewed by Channels 4, 5, 9, and 11 [local stations] and Good Morning America, plus several newspapers. Rae's Good Morning America interview will air Thursday morning at some point during the show. One of the news reports, I heard them say this story has gotten the worlds attention. Amazing!
Now that's a Valentine story. To learn more about Rae and her story, there are articles and videos in the links below:
Stillwater Gazette [article]
KARE 11 [article & video]
KSTP 5 [article and video]
KMSP 9 [article & video]
WDFL 4 [article & video]
What an extraordinary and uplifting story. Perfect for St. Valentine's Day. Many happy years to Rae.
Wow. A very special day indeed.
Happy Valentine's Day.
They ran this story this morning in Dallas on the local CBS station. What a great recovery and wonderful outcome.
Flowers + Chocolate = Romance!
Happy St Valentine's Day from West Sacramento Photo of the Day.
May your relative live a long and happy life after this amazing ordeal. Thanks for posting this uplifting story. Happy Valentine's Day to All of you!!
I saw them on the Today Show this morning. What a great Valentine's story!
WOW Amazing story!
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