I saw many great looking pumpkins on my walk around the neighborhood while my two children collected the goodies. Actually for my neighborhood, there appeared to be more kids out this evening than previous years. That was good to see and a bit surprising for the temperatures as cool as they were, about 27 degrees Fahrenheit. It's also amazing to see how many homes go way beyond the generic Halloween decorations and really create some wonderful, well thought out ideas. Makes it fun for the kids and us adults too as we walk around from home to home.
Good for you for walking around in 27F! I'm guessing you didn't get a whole lot of candies for all that work, either.
Slinger, Tell your children that I enjoyed their jack-o-lanterns and that they are the BEST that I've seen!! I think it's ill manners to draw attention to one's own blog, but go to mine today for Día de los Muertos. A tribute that I think you'll readily recognize.
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