November 1, 2006

Daily Photo Theme Day: Something That Is About To Disappear

56 Daily Photo Bloggers around the world are posting a theme picture today of a something that is about to disappear; select a number to visit another: [Due to time zone differences and other factors, the theme photo may not be displayed until later if you are viewing early in the day] This was a tough one for me to decide. The warm weather is about to disappear. There is a bridge that I travel on that is being replaced by a new bridge. The leaves on the trees are soon to be gone. I decided to post something very local to my community. The Cottage Square Mall here in Cottage Grove will soon be torn down and replaced by a new senior living complex. It will be sad to see the building go, but the city has done a wonderful job of moving the stores that were occuping the building to new locations in the new shopping malls in various locations around town. It's a bummer to see it go, but there will be a lot of good out of this.

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Sally said...

It's tough when local amenities go, but at least it's not for just another carpark or something like that.

Eric said...

I agree with Sally (who it appears I'm following around the globe with comments!). ;-) It is nice that someone will benefit from the "disappearance".

John said...

Good to see the positive guys, and I hope it does all turn out for the best. Good choice to keep it local, well done.

Kim said...

Three cheers for more quality senior living choices. Hope the dispersion of shops doesn't inconvenience folks too much and that businesses survive the changes. Say, this blog is called Twin Cities, so is Cottage Grove part of Minniapolis or St. Paul? Or a suburb?

Felicia said...

Hey they should keep the bingo place where it is, seniors like bingo right?

Kate said...

Looks pretty bleak as it is; hope they spruce it up for the senior center.

Steve Cuddihy said...

They moved the bingo hall across the highway about 300-400 feet away from this location. Bingo is alive and well in Cottage Grove!

Cottage Grove is a suburb of St Paul. The Twin Cities Metro Area is 7 counties originally, but the official "Twin Cites" is St Paul & Minneapolis. Today the 7 counties has grown to 11 counties as the Twin Cities has sprawelled outwards.

Keropokman said...

I am sure the seniors will love a new home :)

Olivier said...

beaucoup d'endroit nostalgique disparaisse, mais si le changement est bien fait.
c'est une belle idee pour le theme.

much nostalgic place disappears, but if the change is well made. it is a beautiful idea for the topic.

Jenny said...

For once it sounds like development with a positive impact!