I've always liked this entrance to this building located in downtown St Paul. The pillars, just huge, massive, strength. When I took this photo some time ago, I never noticed the sign that says "Lofts" there in the bottom left corner. This used to be a restaurant called Leeann Chins, a very popular Twin Cities Asian food chain. I'd have to say they are not at this location any longer. I'll have to investigate it because I'm just not sure. The building was completed in 1923 and
was originally the St Paul Union Depot. [
photo of the building as it appeared in 1925] I'll have to do a follow up on this in the future....unless one of the local daily photo bloggers know of it's current status.
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The building looks like it came out of Greek history. And it looks massive. Lofts? Might be interesting.
Don/t know its current status but since I'm going to the market as soon as I'm dressed, I'll let you know if I discover something interesting!
Slinger, This is what I discovered on a St. Paul Real Estate website: "Renovation of St. Paul's historic train depot in downtown St. Paul. Units currently listed range in price from $165k to $329K. High ceiling loft style units with one under ground parking space included, extra spaces for an additional $15,000 Many units have exposed brick & terracotta tiles.
Also the home of Christos Greek Resutrant
It look very significant, if this word can be used for the case. Classic Greek architecture always has something impozing about it.
Seams like an odd place for apartments, but I'm sure they figured out how to make it work. Kind of funny, from a train depot to a place to live....curious what they look like now....thanks for the info Kate
wow--real "pillars of strength" in that old building!
I've been to Christos a couple of times. It's right in the middle of the lobby area, kind of an open design and nice place to eat. Pretty building. I'd love to see one of the lofts.
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